Downton Abbey
Downton Abbey (2010)

Downton Abbey

(16 stimmen)


Alle Jahreszeiten

Downton Abbey - Jahreszeit 1

Jahreszeit 1

Downton Abbey - Jahreszeit 2

Jahreszeit 2

Downton Abbey - Jahreszeit 3

Jahreszeit 3

Downton Abbey - Jahreszeit 4

Jahreszeit 4

Downton Abbey - Jahreszeit 5

Jahreszeit 5

Downton Abbey - Jahreszeit 6

Jahreszeit 6



After my wife and I have been streaming seasons 1-5 of Downton Abbey on Amazon Prime we are now caught up to the current episode in Season 6 (thanks to getting January episodes on DVR). For a show my wife had to twist my arm to watch, I've fallen in love with this show.

The King and Queen visit the Crawleys in their titular palatial estate (a second-rater according to the snooty King's Page of the Backstairs), causing much fuss and bother and opportunities to change clothes. The movie is simply an extended episode of the popular series and contains all of the elements that made the show a success.

I could watch 6 more series of this, it's just lovely.

I think this was less of a film and more a long extension of the original TV series with a little more of a Hollywood feel. It didn't challenge, it just tied up a few loose ends and made a keen watcher of the series feel very nostalgic.

Just wasn't up to the original series. Tried too hard to reflect modern norms and values against the social norms if 1927.

I am utterly dismayed that this show ended at the sixth season. I really enjoyed watching this, there was no foul language, no aberrant violence like in most television shows.

This is beautifully filmed, with authenticity and societal values inherent in both script and acting. The story weaves in and out of two layers of society -- the masters and the servants -- giving us glimpses into the power struggles occurring on each level, and the colourful characters who inhabit both.

This film has beautiful costumes, amazing sets, good story and many beautiful faces. I like the fact that there are even gay characters as well.

...check and check again before using sounds and words, to make sure they were around.
